digitalk Media Days Niš 2024
četvrtak 24. oktobar
17:55 - 18:55
Podelite ovaj članak na društvenim mrežama:
Panel: Staying alive in media jungle
Zoran Lončar
Zoran Lončar je voditelj prodaje i poslovnog razvoja u, s dugogodišnjim iskustvom u medijima. Svoju glavnu nit poslovanja usmerio je u poticanje rasta prihoda kroz prodaju oglasnog prostora, uključujući content, display i prilagođena projektna rešenja. Core posao se oslanja na razvijanju strateških partnerstava i stvaranju inovativnih prodajnih modela koji zadovoljavaju potrebe klijenata i medijske platforme. U vodi komercijalne aktivnosti s ciljem širenja tržišnog dosega i pružanja učinkovitih i održivih rešenja za digitalno oglašavanje.

Galya Prokopieva
Galya Prokopieva is a founder and currently the CEO of Economedia, Bulgaria’s largest quality media publisher ( and After holding various editorial roles as a reporter, investigative journalist, and Editor-in-Chief, she took on the management of the publishing company, leading its digital transformation over the past decade. With an EMBA from INSEAD and an MA in Finance, she excels in strategy, product development, and editorial work, making her a key figure in Bulgaria’s media landscape.

Jelena Milošević
Jelena leads strategic initiatives to drive investment opportunities and provide technical assistance to media beneficiaries in the Western Balkans. As Director of the MDIF Western Balkans Fund, she shapes strategy, drives growth, and ensures punctual execution of the Fund. Drawing on more than two decades of media experience, including notable roles at B92 Serbia, Ringier Axel Springer Serbia and the USAID Cardno project Cooperation for Growth, Jelena brings deep sector and regional expertise to the role. Her academic background includes a BSc in Computer Science and an Executive Master of Business Administration, as well as a Franklin Covey training license.

Ondrej Podstupka
Ondrej Podstupka was born in 1985 in Bratislava. He studied European studies at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of the Comenius University. He started writing at economic editorial office of TASR. From there he moved to the economic department of SME and later worked as an editor for Currently, she works as the deputy editor-in-chief for web operation, social networks, video and news product.